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First Look at GLOCK G36
The GLOCK G36 was the first GLOCK "slimline" model and the first single-stack model. The G36 is a subcompact chambered for the .45 ACP cartridge. The newest Slimline models are the G43X and G48.
Movie GLOCKs G18 Full Auto
Ever since I started collecting GLOCKs, I have wanted a Glock G18 machine pistol. This is how I was able to obtain two GLOCK 18's that had been used in the movies. In April 1999 I found out that Stembridge Gun Rentals / (Glendale, CA), the company that rented many guns, including machine guns, to the film companies had gone out of business. Long Mountain Outfitters (Harmony, ME) was selling off the inventory of Stembridge and I was able to obtain a list of about 600 guns that were for sale. Some of these guns were preban transferable with documentation as to what movie they were used in and by what actor. There were many machine guns that were post May 1986 (can only be owned by Class 3 dealers, military and law enforcement agencies) dealer...
Examples of Unusual Prefixes
Some police agencies have requested specific serial numbers for their issue weapons. An example of actual serial #s SA1234PD. The following are but a few of the known examples:
DPD = Detroit Police Department
KHP = Kansas Highway Patrol
MPDC = Metropolitan Police, District of Columbia
SATX = San Antonio Police Department
JCSD = Jefferson County Sheriffs Department
MOHP = Missouri State Highway Patrol
GADOT = Georgia Department of Transportation
NOPD = New Orleans Police Department