Digital download of Volume 11, Issue 3 first published in Summer 2005.
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GLOCK G38 Review
I had wanted a .45GAP since GLOCK first introduced the G37 last year. It had been rumored at that time that the GLOCK G38 and GLOCK G39 would be the sub-compact and compact versions, respectively, of the G37. I decided to wait and see if this would indeed be the case. That's when I purchased a GLOCK G38 to evaluate...
Bell Helicopter Commemorative GLOCK
In the fall of 1996, a special GLOCK was conceived to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Bell Helicopter. A run such as this attracts collector interest because of the relative rarity of this sort of thing. It is not unheard of for an agency (Texas Rangers, for instance) to commemorate itself or an anniversary, or for that matter, for an individual to commission a one of a kind engraved pistol. However, it is not that often that a private company is commemorated with a special run of pistols. It is unknown if this project was officially sanctioned, or whether it was just something a group of the employees decided to do...
GLOCK Ambassador R. Lee Ermey
Well what an exciting NRA Annual Meeting & Exhibits 2005. As you can see from the photo above we had a celebrity visitor at our booth. Actor and Retired Marine, R. Lee Ermey was in the GLOCK Inc booth signing autographs. During one of his lunch breaks he had time to walk through the Gun Collectors row and stopped in the GCA booth. Mr. Ermey was quite impressed with our display bf unique, one of kind, and prototype pistols. We were honored by his visit...