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Gen5 GLOCKs introduced
We’ve all heard the expression: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Why the next evolution? Because it was time and GLOCK is the type of gun manufacturer that innovates. They lead and others follow. GLOCK also listens to its users, military forces, law enforcement, competition shooters and ordinary civilian shooters. GLOCK announced the new Gen5 pistol models in late 2017. But I think we all knew what the Gen5 enhancements would be especially if you were keeping track of the FBI’s search for a new handgun and the Army’s Modular Handgun System program to re-place the aging M9.
GLOCK G24, G24P, and G2C: Detailed History and Serial Numbers and Letter Prefixes
In design the long slide GLOCK G24P, GLOCK G24, and GLOCK G24C is simply a G17L in .40 with the reinforcing pin on the locking block, and the correct barrel and ejector. The first model produced was the GLOCK 24P which came out in February 1994 and had the 2nd generation checkered grenade frame. The ‘P’ letter indicated that it was ported. the ported area on the GLOCK 24P has oval shaped holes where the vent-slotted shaped slits on the very rare 800 or less G 17L pistol does not. The oval shaped holes were a better engineered compensation system. In March 1994, the GLOCK G24 was produced with no oval shaped holes which make the GLOCK G24 non-compensated. All G 24P, G 24 and G24C models have a slotted relieved slide like the GLOCK G17L, GLOCK G34, and GLOCK G35 models.
GLOCKs In British Service
Prior to the First World War, British Army Officers were required to buy their own handguns. They could pick anything they wanted provided it took the service cartridge which, at that time, was the .455 Webley. As a consequence, many fine revolvers were chambered for that round and found their way into British Officer’s holsters. We find Webley revolvers of all marks, Smith & Wesson double actions, Colt
both single and double actions, and even Spanish copies bought in the desperate days of World War I chambered for that cartridge.