The MATRIX Update

Part of the value of being a GCA member is access to the Matrix. The Matrix is a list of all first run upon introduction pistol prefixes and serial numbers. We also list the date the first guns were shipped, the generation or variation of generation, and model variant. If you are a GLOCK geek like me this is need-to-know information. It is also a lot of work to compile the Matrix and since I've joined the GCA board there have been over 20 new releases! A decade or so ago we were lucky if GLOCK introduce one new pistol every few years.

glock serial numbers

Newly added to the Matrix are the new .40 Auto Gen 5 pistols. There are a total of five new Gen5 .40 Auto pistols being introduced. The first of these pistols will be going to law enforcement.

The Matrix with GLOCK serial numbers is included in the Master Journal. The Master Journal is updated each time GLOCK introduces a new pistol. Those of you have joined in the recent months received a photo copy of the Matrix. Stan and I are in the middle of updating the Master Journal. We are updating the articles on the G20 and G21, as well as adding a story on the G19 AN models, which are the very first G19s GLOCK produced. We'll also have other surprises in the Master Journal.

1 comment

  • The matrix is super helpful to understand what were the first run glock pistols. I have an old copy of this serial number and will get the new one.


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