U.S. Coast Guard Selects GLOCK Pistols

us coast gurad glock

The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) has selected and begun fielding GLOCK G19 Gen 5 MOS pistols after a thorough review of testing results. According to Josh Dorsey, VP at GLOCK, “The comprehensive testing and evaluation process conducted by CBP demonstrated the GLOCK pistols lasting reliability that instills confidence in those who use it to go into harm’s way. GLOCK is honored to support the requirements of the USCG and provide a weapon solution that delivers on unmatched performance and value in any environment.”

glock 19 gen 5 mos
After careful evaluation of existing federal contracts supported by GLOCK, the USCG selected to purchase through the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) contract the GLOCK 19 Gen5 MOS as the standard service pistol. USCG acquisition objective was fulfilled by GLOCK within four months of the initial purchase request. CBP’s extensive solicitation process, which included independent testing by the Institute of Justice Laboratories, comprehensive field evaluations, and direct input from 16,000 CBP law enforcement personnel, helped guide the selection by USCG.

The USCG operates under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security during peacetime with a maritime law enforcement mission with jurisdiction in domestic and international waters.  The USCG is charged with protecting America’s economic, national, and border security as America’s maritime first responder.  With missions of search and rescue, homeland security, and national defense, the USCG requires a reliable sidearm that performs in all conditions and harsh elements.

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