GLOCK Collectors Association 2020 Journal
If you are a member of GCA in good standing expect a copy of the Latest GCA Journal in your mail box. The 2020 GCA Journal includes stories on rare G35C models, ELP models, GLOCK patches, the introduction of the new G44, FBI GLOCKs, and more.
The latest Journal take a look at a pair of ultra rare G35C. Yes, you read that right, G35C pistols. You might wonder what's the connection with three ELP model G19s that recently sold at auction and the GCA? Stan provides the history and serial number prefixes for the G25 and G28. We also look at rare, original embroidered GLOCK patches.
The buzz online has been Lipsey's releasing GLOCK 17M and 19M FBI GLOCKs to the public. I couldn't decide which GLOCK FBI pistol to buy, so I bought both.
And, of course, the launch and introduction of G44. It's GLOCK's first rimfire and if you are a G19 fan, you will like the G44. Plus More.
I am a 79 yr.old lady and i want a gun but don’t know what to buy. Havr a weak grip and little money lol, so any recommendations??
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Thank you very much. Enjoyed every word.
Loved the patch