Apex Trigger for Glock - Gen 5 Review: Smooth, Crisp with Less Travel

Subscribe to GCA emails and you are automatically entered to win an Apex Action Enhancement Kit for a Glock Gen 5 pistol. The drop-in Action Enhancement Kit features the Apex Action Enhancement Trigger with trigger bar and an Apex Performance Connector. 

apex trigger glock review

Apex Trigger GLOCK Review

We've tried the Apex trigger kits on early generation GLOCKs and found the Apex kits does reduces trigger pull weight by about 1 pound. What we really like about the Apex GLOCK trigger is it reduces trigger pre-travel, overall travel and reset distance so your follow up shot is faster than with the OEM GLOCK trigger set up. In our opinion the the Apex trigger has a smooth uptake and reset with a crisp break.

glock apex trigger

The Apex kit is a direct drop-in replacement parts, with no fitting required.

1 comment

  • I put an Apex trigger into my 19 EDC gun. Nice upgrade from the factory Glock trigger.


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